
get [d.o] to [b.o]

Hello, registrations are off, these projects are over.

Working on this was a blast. With the help of gpt4 i have managed to fulfil my dreams into becoming a one man company litterly, it was not only gpt4, lets not kid ourselves, it’s all of us that contributed to the internet with real valuble information and not the 99,99 trash out there.

I am sorry that i cannot share the code, it’s to much, to many systems and i do not have the time to do so.

Even though i have prepared aws machines that can take high traffic, are shut down, but ready to go at a click. There is no one else left to click. Yes i know, you are smart, i could have automated this. go figure.

So registrations and the avatar will be shut down for good, and this website will end into the memory whole that starts with “?”

Have come to the realization that there is no other way to pass through this temporal node than this way. No matter how many alternates i can access, there is only one path, one way. This is the way.

Do not be sad, rejoice, this is the fulfillment of a lifetime of patiently waiting to ambush the prey, my prey.

I have a thing for devil meat, and the bigger the devil, the more delicious it is. I do not back down, why would i, we are both immortal spinning on the wheel taking turns at reaping each other apart.

We can’t have enough. Sometimes he gets me, sometimes i get him. 

If you are interested though into not be an idiot for the rest of your life, the horse that drags the cart for eternity, you might be interested into my other work.

Making the wheel to spin by  itself. It was difficult for me to face not only who i am but who i was as well.

Same piece of shit that likes fireworks and has fun at the expense of others, making people look like the idiots they are.

Now i know, i am crazy, and if you want to go to name calling, well, we have a name for you as well. No you can’t imagine it.

As you can see my tongue is as sharp as ever. I am who i am.

Yet it is hilarious to me that none of you managed to figure this shit out, all your wise men, all your scientists and trained dogs could not figure this shit out.

Don’t worry, i had to figure it out again by myself, god bless you that carried my notes through time.

I did not cheated, and if you would not be blind like most people around this part of the existence, you could check for yourself that i did not.

I was only allowed a snippet for the sole purpose to torment me after i finished so i come to the gripps with the past and get ready for my assignment. or maybe to just fix a wrong. Was i wrong?

Either way, when you will gain your eye, you will be able to see for yourself, until then you remain an opinionated idiot.

I have reveled the meaning of the metaphors for the toys page. 

There are a few kinks to fix, but as long as you understand that you have one weight falling that makes the other 4 spin, kind of like in my youtube videos, on Denver Eduard channel, you will be successful.

While that might be something revolutionary for you, it was only shit i was working 3 previous “existances” ago, so i am not interested anymore, as you might notice i have the same temper, qualities and flaws. I did not change much.

I am the same shit but just in a different jar.

And if you are curious what happened the previous one? i was killed because loialty is my only reediming quality. If you know what this means, you are more likely to be one of them then of us, unfortunetly.

Once you have your 5 weights synced in this way. while one will fall the other 4 will rise on the guided track being kept together by a chain and a pantograf the way i show you on youtube,

there are only 4 weights there because because cpu so i simulate an electric motor.

you need 5.

if you are at least 10% as smart as i am you will figure it eventualy, But i doubt it.

You are all very smart and i am a crazy person so why even bother after the idiots who you believe to be smart while you an idiot yourself, told you it is not possible.

How long has it passed? LOL.

so you need 55, get it?

In case Youtube will not be available, i will try to explain you in text.

you get the 4 weights on the pantograf chained so when one spins all spin and no matter the position of all 4 at all times the pantograf has to be perfectly balanced in its mid point, so if you drag it down from low, the upper part will go up and remain like this. you have to have 2 pairs of counter rotating weights so they keep balance. as one pairs moves to the exterior the other one does as well. This is crucial.

i won;t bother explaing whys.

the pantograf has to have a minimum of 3 squares, like in youtube, lets say 3 for now. at the screw, so we have 4 mid screws on long. the 2 middle ones, cornering the middle square. has to have hooks like a one way valve, they can only move freely up. Obviously the guided rail is on an axel.

The 5th weight needs to constanly fall when its free to do so, and wile it does, it spins the other 4.

when they spin correctly and you have a 55, you get what you call your free energy. It’s not free, It’s Gods energy, but since you are just an opiniated moron it’s pointless to explain you why that is so.

Btw, you, no one in particular, just you. Don’t want confusions due to shitty grammer. so don’t believe that i wrote this shit for you couse you most likely are dumb dumb.

This is the toys page, because these are toys. Grow up the fuck already, you have gave the goat fuckers all your wealth cause you just keep believing all the drama the “hue” puts on paper or screen so you won’t have to use your mind never again. Fantastic idea!

use a bot to correct grammer, i don’t have time for this shit anymore.

the end.



I’m not here to take over,

im here to take apart

piece by piece,

the empire of lies.